Maple Leaf Self Storage FAQ

Where is Maple Leaf Self Storage?
Our facility is located at 125 S Pere Marquette Hwy. We’re only 2 miles from downtown Ludington.

Which other businesses are close to your facility?
Poncho’s Pond RV Park, Walgreens, Shell Gas Station and McDonald’s are just a few of the local businesses nearby Maple Leaf Self Storage.

What are your access hours?
24/7. It doesn’t matter what hour you choose to visit our facility; Maple Leaf Self Storage is always open for access.

Are you close to any other communities or neighborhoods?
We sure are! Maple Leaf Self Storage is also the number one provider of storage solutions to homes and businesses from Hart, Fountain, Pentwater, Amber Township and beyond.
How secure is Maple Leaf Self Storage?
Thanks to our fully fenced and gated facility, we’re as secure as it gets!

What’s the best way to pay my bills?
Our online bill payment system makes everything easy. By using a credit card, you can keep up to date with your rent from the comfort of your home or workplace.

Do you offer drive-up access?
We sure do! In fact, it’s one of our most popular features. By parking your vehicle directly outside your storage unit, you can unload your belongings in no time at all.

How do I get started?
Just contact us and we'll help you make your reservation. We look forward to providing you with a storage solution!